For dog and their humans - MayaFlya's are F U N and do they ever F L Y ! Each brightly colored disc is hand crocheted under strict fair trade principles with Mayan Artisan partners in Guatemala. Purchases give direct support to these local communities.
"At Buena Onda Games, we are about having fun and doing good. Each product is handmade by the Maya of Guatemala, weaving together artistic creativity with our fair trade and sustainable principles. Your purchase supports their community while creating organic fun for you and your loved ones. We thank you for helping us Play for Good and living the Buena Onda Life."
TAKE IT EVERYWHERE: Our light weight, eye catching, fabric discs can be folded up and put in a purse, back pack or pocket for easy travel. Ideal for a spontaneous pick up frisbee game. Designed for extreme performance in a small package, so it is soft, durable and easily portable. Makes a great gift!